Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse: "Same Sex Marriage: Why Not?"

Since the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today and tomorrow on two cases dealing with so-called same-sex marriage, here is a good video on this topic:

I found this video at the Aggie Catholics blog. I recommend their post on the subject, Why Same-Sex Marriage Is A Bad Idea.

For further reading, I also recommend USA Today's interview with Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on the topic of redefining marriage. It is one of the best short articles I have read on this subject, particularly in the mainstream press.


  1. Well its simple really. We are all human but were not all the same. In Nature there is Homosexuality. Its something so little people are aware of, by that I mean in animals. Homosexual and bisexual behaviour in various non-human species exists. Not only in the sexual act but courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairings. Our experiences in life. Our similar mindsets way of thinking, likes, dislikes and interests are over millions. For there to be an exact answer.. a reason (trigger) for Gay people there will be one which is. There just is and always have been and most likely will be. In my opinion Gay people are not increasing, population as we speak is and as the Human species becomes more evolved by means of communication and awareness the acceptance in society of such realities are becoming more and well in turn more people are coming out so to speak.
    I was quickly made aware whiles growing up through the Bible, my parents and along with society that it was a sinful and foul act for people of the same sex to love one another well to the extent of expressing it sexually. I for one also could not understand it at the time. In my life trough my relationships it just got to a point of accepting not only who I am but also not caring what society thinks. I had numerous relationships with the opposite sex but as I grew older the realization and meaning of love to me just became clear. Love is an emotion. It has so many interpretations. Love is a strong affection and personal attachment and in knowing that how in any logic can it be judged based on sexuality? Growing up we become more aware of life and the reality we live in. The more one understands not only one self but the bigger picture of existence. At the end your life is yours to create and its always our decision who we are. Yes the outcome of being gay results in the non existence of reproduction but is that the only reason for which a human being was born? Our purpose? If so why does infertility exist? To me Sexuality does not matter because Love is something words can't describe and its not a physical thing. In life.. do what makes you happy. You have the right to choose who you love and no one should be judged based on the way they choose to live their lives.

    1. Anonymous,

      Thank you for taking the time to comment.

      You say that "Homosexual and bisexual behaviour in various non-human species exists."

      I accept that as true. But there are many behaviors that animals exhibit, which we would consider morally wrong or even criminal if people engaged in those same behaviors. Therefore, saying that animals do something does not necessarily make that something morally right (nor does it necessarily make that something morally wrong).

      You also say, "At the end your life is yours to create and its always our decision who we are."

      And where does God factor into this worldview?

      You also ask, "Yes the outcome of being gay results in the non existence of reproduction but is that the only reason for which a human being was born? Our purpose? If so why does infertility exist?"

      No, reproduction is not the only purpose for which a person is born, but it is one of the main purposes of sexual intercourse.
